Hi! I’m so happy you’re here.

I’m here to help you live your life in vibrancy by guiding you towards your own individual way of eating, and creating a supportive lifestyle that leaves you feeling happy and energized.

Areas I specialize in.


How to Fuel Your Body Properly

Through personalized guidance, I'll empower you to make informed choices that align with your health and wellness goals. Whether you're looking to enhance athletic performance, manage weight, or simply promote overall well-being, understanding how to nourish your body is the key to success.

Relief From Low Energy and Brain Fog Through Food

Through a holistic approach, I work closely with you to identify dietary patterns that may contribute to fatigue and mental fog. Together, we create a customized nutrition plan that not only addresses nutritional deficiencies but also optimizes your food choices to boost energy and mental clarity.

Sports Nutrition

Whether you're an athlete or just embarking on your fitness journey, I will help you achieve peak performance. Nourishing your body with the right balance of nutrients is crucial for enhancing endurance, strength, and recovery. Through personalized nutrition plans tailored to your unique needs and goals, I empower you to maximize your athletic potential.

Breaking The Diet Cycle

I will lead you through ways to finally end the ‘diet starts Monday’ mindset. Chronic dieting is hard on the body’s systems, and your body will actually learn how to hold onto weight. Together we will heal you body and get your metabolism back on track.


Find balance on your plate and in your life

There are two different types of food we feed ourselves. Primary food, which is the ‘food of life', comes from our relationship with ourselves and our interactions with the world. This can include things like friendships, expressing creativity, and physical activity.

Secondary food is what we actually eat. Creating a balance between the two is what will allow you to feel truly nourished, and will unlock the door to living you life in real vibrancy.


Your wellness program is personalized to you

No two programs are alike! Since we all have our own unique biochemistry, what works for you may not work for someone else. Whether your goal is to increase energy, kick a sugar habit or find an exercise that works for you, we will work together to have you waking up to optimal wellness daily!

“This work is perfect for anyone who is looking to make a lasting change in their nutrition/health. Whether you want to lose weight, obtain more guidance on foods that support your body's needs or simply increase mindfulness when it comes to diet, Bridgette's approach supports your goals.”

—Danielle F.